First, I assembled the houses and let them set a bit to make sure that they were strong enough for Jack to handle. He was very patient while he waited... I was so proud of him!
Then, we all got to pick a house to decorate. I don't remember which one I picked, nor do I remember which house my mom picked. I do, however, remember that Jack picked "the triangle house" and that once we told him it was called the "chalet", he made sure to call it "The Chalet that I made" every single time. And, as you can see, he was very serious about decorating that chalet!
Of course, he did sneak some icing now and again... he is my son, after all ;)
Meanwhile, between my mom and I, the other 4 houses were sort of finished...
And so we put the village together! We put all the houses on a tray and then let Jack finish decorating the village. He had so much fun pouring icing and sprinkles and coconut all over the building to make it look like it had snowed!
And..... Ta da!!! Our Gingerbread Village!
He was so proud of his creation! He was also very anxious to eat it, too. As soon as he was finished he asked "Now can I eat it?!" And since I
He went for the coconut "snow".
Seriously now, that village was the best choice I could have made... it was seriously the best tasting gingerbread I have ever eaten! We ate that thing for 2 weeks before the heavy rain caused the ants to move inside the house and they discovered the village. But those two weeks were certainly glorious!
Thanks, again for the fun memory!
p.s. I LOVE his smile